Light Painting
A project carried out at Boom Festival 2023
Twenty Cent Light is a light painting artist specialised in dreamy portrait photography. Light painting technique is based on the use of light movements during a long exposure photography to create surrealist images without using Photoshop or artificial intelligence.
To create these pictures, Twenty Cent Light brings the people to a dark place, guiding them to pose comfortably and without moving. Then he performs around them some kind of a dance of light, following the body parts and highlighting the beauty of each person.
At Boom 2023, this artist was invited to photograph some of the theatrical performances that happened during the festival. To make this project possible, a special tent was set up at the staff camping area, thus allowing to maintain total darkness within the space.
Following the theme of the edition, Radical Love, the result was a series of psychedelic dreamlike images, where the human element is recreated with silhouettes and colours. A static moment that translates into beauty, full of vibration.