Trees epitomise what regeneration means to Boom
Boomland's reforestation program was the natural step to take once we acquired the land as it provides a multitude of benefits, including much-needed shade, homes for the birds and the bees, and enhances overall local biodiversity.
We set this program in motion in 2015. Since then, and between each Boom edition, we have planted over 1000 trees and 120 shrub species. Each and every one of them are cared for and irrigated on a weekly basis.
Some of the tree species planted are:
Acer Monspessulanum
Acer Pseudoplatanus
Alnus Glutinosa
Betula Pubescena
Castanea Sativa
Celtis Australis
Populus Alba
Olea Europaea Sylvestris
Prunus Avium
Quercus Pyrenaica
...with many more to come.
And because pictures are worth a thousand words, we've put together two videos - one from 2015, the other from 2017, to further illustrate our reforestation program.